Monday, July 18, 2011

To Fall in Love with Harry Potter...

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone first was realsed as a book when I was in the fourth grade, and I am just now reading them. I say it's because I know I will like the ending I will spend the time reading seven books, but the truth is I should have been reading these books sense the fourth grade. No I am reading them it's only several years late. But enough about the books lets talk, and when I 'lets talk' I mean I write...and someone(anyone), the movies.
I was at the young age of 12 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone became a film! I was young and so were they. I grew up with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I have fought with them, laughed with them, cried with them, and suceeded with them. And by the end of it all I have ended up in love.

I am not the biggest fan of the first film but as they progressed so did the depth, the truth, and the beauty of the films. Here we are and we are all grown up!

I am a romantic! Therefore I love the story of Harry and Ginny and the story of Ron and Hermione. Begining in friendship then ending in love. The deep abinding kind that doesn't quit when life gets hard. The kind of love I hope and dream about. I was excited to find out that they all end up married in the end.

Ginny was infacuated with Harry from the begining, but sadly Harry did not feel the same. But of course Ginny won him over with her awesome ability to do magic and other things...and now they are married! Oh what joy!

What a special moment it was between Harry and Ginny when death was being faced they looked at each other. Ginny said, "I know" and she kissed him.

Ron and Hermione:

Love and Hate: Altough they would never admit it to each other in the early films, but they are amazed by each other. There is nothing more loving then being in aww of someone else.

Finally, after seven years they finally kiss!!! I almost clap in the theater...but I do NOT clap in theaters.

In honor of Harry Potter...I would sugest that everyone watch "A Very Potter Musical". It is the funniest thing in the world. As much as I love Harry Potter, I love things that make fun of Harry Potter, in a nice way of course!

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